Wednesday Evening Service

Guest speaker Elizabeth Talbot kicks off our camp meeting with her sermon titled "HOPE for Times like These".

 I got close to my father, who was dying, I got really close to hear what he was saying because he didn't have any voice left and he was saying, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. So we repeated Psalm 23 together. He didn't have any voice left, but he was whispering it. And we repeated it together, and then a few hours later he passed away.

What is it about this psalm that everyone that is in the middle of an uncertainty requests Psalm 23, whether you're in the hospital or whether you are sick at home, or whether you are lonely, all pastors know that most people will ask for Psalm 23. A few days later, we did his memorial service and I got to preach for his memorial service, and I made a big sign that looked exactly like this and I put it on the cross that was on the platform, and it said, "rest assured", and the whole memorial service was on Psalm 23, because that was the last scripture I heard from my dad.

I had done a whole research of why we can have certainty, why we can have assurance in moments of uncertainty, and this whole camp meeting is called Hope for Today, and I decided to start the camp meeting sharing with you the research that I did word by word of Psalm 23. And before I do. I wanna tell you that the whole Bible is about Jesus, not just the New Testament, from Genesis to Revelation.

And I thought that maybe we should start by remembering what the word gospel is. Most of you know that in English. . Before it was gospel, it was God spell. That's why when we say what is gospel, we say it's good news because originally in the English language, it was God's spell for good message or good news, but I want you to know what the word was used for in Bible times before the gospel writers chose it for the good news of Jesus before Paul used it for the good news of Jesus.

Now, this is amazing. There was a context to this word, and it was this, in the time of the Bible, the cities were fortified. They were small, and the king would go out of the city to fight. The other kings or whoever wanted to conquer them, then all the people of the town were waiting on top of the walls to see if there were good news, if it was good news or bad news from the battlefield.

They wanted to know if the king had won or the king had lost, and the messengers that came from the battlefield if they came with the good news that their king had won. They would yell this word  that was eventually translated to English as gospel, which means our king has won. So when you say that you're preaching the gospel or that you believe in the gospel, you are not believing in the probability of salvation.

You are not believing in the possibility of salvation. You are believing in a victory that has already been attained at the cross. Amen. It's very important that you know this because the gospel must be preached and then the end will come. It's not that we need a lot of preachers preaching a lot of things.

We need a lot of preachers and a lot of lay people preaching the good news that our king has already won. So when you know this, you have the assurance of salvation, and as I mentioned today to the pastors, this afternoon. The gospel is not the probability of salvation. It's not the possibility of salvation.

It's the assurance of salvation. When we say the word hope in Greek, hope is not like it is in English that we say I hope I'm saved. The word hope is the certainty of things not seen. So it's a surety. It's not a possibility. So if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and what he has done for you, you already know how the story ends.

He who has the son has life. So when we start, David was a person that came to know the gospel so deeply, even though he lived before the cross. So much so that we have beautiful verses that David wrote that eventually Paul quotes to teach us righteousness by faith. For example, blessed is the men who sins are covered.

David learn a lot of things. About what the gospel does for us in times of uncertainty, and today we are gonna study some of those directly from Psalm 23. And if you have a Bible, please take it now because we're gonna actually study it quite deeply tonight. And if you have something to take notes, paper, pen, iPhone, anything, just take notes so that you can share this message of certainty with those who might need it.

When my father passed away and that was the last scripture I heard from his lips, I said, I want to understand this psalm in relationship to Christ. And so that's what I'm gonna do today. And I also did a little research on sheep. When David says, The Lord is my shepherd. It is implied. I am his sheep.

So I was wondering what does that mean? Of course, David knew about this because he was a shepherd who became a king, a shepherd of God's people. But I found out several things about sheep. First of all, do you know that is the most commonly used metaphor for God's people in the Bible is sheep? Sometimes we're sheep without a shepherd.

Sometimes we're sheep who have gone astray. But if God had to use an animal to represent us, he could have used many. He chose sheep, and I found out that the reason why he chose sheep is because sheep are pretty clueless animals. Without a shepherd. I found out that there are two main types of sheep.

The ones with a shepherd and the ones without a shepherd. The sheep, did you know that they don't have instinct to find their own food or water? And I don't know if you knew this, but sheep are quite, they get quite stressed out if there's tension between sheep, they can't sleep. Did you know that? If there are bugs or if they are upset with one another, they can't sleep.

The other thing I found is that they need to drink in waters that are quiet. Because if not if they try to drink in a river, the wool gets wet and they get heavy and they drown. So they need a shepherd for absolutely everything. They need a shepherd to take them to a place to eat, to rest, to heal them.

Absolutely. They're defenseless animals. They don't have any way to defend themselves from predators, et cetera, et cetera. And I said, okay. Maybe I'm starting to understand why throughout the whole Bible, the metaphor for God's children is sheep. But tonight we're going to understand a little more.

So let's start with Psalm 23. Wow. Of all the names of God that David could have chosen. He chose a name that is the covenantal name of God. Most of your Bibles we have will have the word Lord for capitalized letters, not just the L, but l o r d will be capitalized. That's because the name in the Hebrew is the name Yahweh.

Is my shepherd that we used to say Jehovah, but now we know a little more Hebrews. So we say Yahweh. Yahweh is my shepherd. And who was Yahweh? Yahweh is the name that God revealed to Moses in Exodus three 14 when Moses said, who shall I say, sending me? And he said, I am who I am. That's the name Yahweh.

When we say it, we say he is. When God said it, he said it in the first person. So Yahweh means he's who He's, and he will do. What He will do is the sovereign name of God that guarantees that he'll get the people out of Egypt into the promised land. Of all the names that David could have chosen, he chose the name.

Yahweh is my shepherd. Who is Yahweh? Let me tell you. Yahweh is the one who opened the Red Sea. Yahweh is the one who rained down bread from heaven. Yahweh is the one who got water out of our rock. That's who is your shepherd. And we haven't even started to study the Psalm, but he starts with this big covenantal name of God.

He says, the great I am is my shepherd, and not only does he give you the certainty of your eternal life, he gives you all the things along with the gospel. He gives you the assurance of his presence, of his provision, of his purpose in your life. He gives you things that come with the gospel because the gospel is the victory.

Cry that at the cross, he has already attained your salvation. And when you believe that not only do you live with the assurance of eternal salvation, you live with the assurance of his presence here and now. So this name Yahweh will be a very important name in the, in throughout the whole Old Testament.

And there would be adjectives added to it, for example. Yah, the Lord your healer. Yahk the Lord my shepherd.  The Lord my rock. This was one of David's favorites. Yah.  The Lord my rock. Yah. Sha alone. The Lord is peace. Yahk the Lord our righteousness. So many names. So before I continue, I wanna show you a video with some of the names of Yahweh to show you how it fulfills all of our needs.

And each one of them has a citation, if you wanna write them down. So just a two minute video. Three minute video. So let's go to the names of God.

These are some of the names of God in the Old Testament, and of all the names that David could have used, he chose the one who opened the Red Sea and rain breaded down from heaven and got water out of Iraq. So now we're gonna study this. Deeply and there will be some new things, even though it's a very known Psalm, we're gonna study it in the way we do in biblical studies.

And by the way, these videos are on our website. You can download them for free to show them on your, in your church or on your small group. Jesus, 1 0 1 tv. All these videos that we have created, you can use them in your churches. So let's start Yahk. Is my shepherd. Of course. Therefore, I shall not be in need.

Look who we're talking about. We're talking about the great I am. I will not be in need. I might not get everything I want, but I will get everything I need. And then he starts talking about how active this great I am is in his life. So he starts saying he makes me lie down in green pastures.

I cannot even find green pastures. I cannot even lie down if it was up to me as a sheep. But he, the great I am, he makes me lie down in green pastures. Not only that, he leads me beside quiet waters. Now for those of you that are taking notes and would like to go a little deeper, the Old Testament was written Hebrew, but 200 years before Christ was born, the Hebrew Old Testament was translated into Greek.

And isn't a very important translation. It's called the Septuagint, because the New Testament writers, because they're right, they're writing in Hebrew, in Greek, they will quote the Greek Old Testament when they quote the Old Testament, right? So the Septuagint became a very known Greek version of the Old Testament.

Now why? Why am I telling you all this? Oh, because there's a wonderful word there in the Greek. It says he leaves me beside waters of naps. And this word naps is the word that Jesus used in Matthew 1128 to 30 when he said, come to me and I will give you what rest. That's the same word that Jesus used.

Because he's the only one that can give us rest. And here David says he makes me lie down in green pastures and he leads me beside waters of Anns census, Tugen this waters of rest because I can't find rest for my soul. Not only can I not find the green pastures to lie down in, but I can't even bring myself to a place of rest if it wasn't for the Shepherd who's doing that for me.

But not only does he make me lie down in green pastures, not only does he lead me to quiet quarters, but look what else he does for the sheep. And David knew this well. He knew what shepherds did. Oh, he says he restores my soul. This is a beautiful picture because I don't know if you knew that the shepherds used to carry.

An oil to restore the wounds of the sheep. So sometimes it was the nose, sometimes the legs. And so when they had wounds, the shepherd would restore them with this oil. And David says let me tell you about the great I am. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me besides waters of rest, and he restores my soul.

But not only that, he says he also guides me. It's so interesting because the sheep don't know where they're going. If they don't have a shepherd, they don't even know where they are, let alone where they're going. And so he says he leads me. Where does he lead me? This is amazing. He leads me in path of.

Righteousness. Again, going back to the Greek Old Testament, this is the big word of righteousness by faith, is the word deka sunk? It's used here. He leads me in path of his righteousness because I can't even find the way he leads me in path of deka, sunk of righteousness for whose namesake. His, because I'm his sheep, I know nothing.

I don't know where I am. I don't know where I'm going. He has to lead me in path of his righteousness because his name is on the line, not mine, who is vindicated in front of the universe, goddess, and I'm his sheep. And he will do everything I need for me to be able to live in peace and rest, and he will lead me.

So this is so important that you know that it is him who does everything. He's the active one. I'm the sheep. I'm the clueless sheep for that matter. He makes me. He leads me. He guides me. He restores me. But then something amazing happens in Thesal. It will blow your mind away. It's so interesting Until now.

David tells us about the grade I am as a report in third person, singular. He does this, he does that. He leads me, he guides me. He restores me, he makes me, but then he envisions himself going through a crisis and everything changes. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.

So it changes from the report in third person to the prayer in second person, because crisis does that to you. It makes God super personal. You can talk about God. He makes me. He leads me. He guides me. He restores me. You can talk about God all your life. In the middle of the crisis. That's when God becomes super personal and he says, even though I walk through the valley of this shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.

It turns the report into a prayer. Your rod, your staff, they comfort me. You. Because what the crisis will do for you will make your God. The great, I am not just somebody you talk about, but somebody you talk to because it's the only thing you have left. Oh, he says, there's only one antidote to fear.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me. The antidote to fear is God's presence with us. It is the only reason why we shall not fear the future. We shall not fear eternity. We shall not fear the judgment. We shall not fear pandemics. We shall not fear death or life.

We shall not fear it for only one reason. There's only one antidote because you are with me. And so the rest of the psalm is in second person singular. So the first half of Thesal is a report about the great. I am the one who opened the Red Sea and rained breaded from heaven and got water out of a rock.

He says he's my shepherd. Therefore, I shall have need of nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me to waters of Napa houses. He restores my soul. He guides me in passive, his righteousness for his namesake. Oh, but when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will feel no evil because you are with me.

You are Rod, your staff, they comfort me. I wish I had more time to tell you every sentence in this psalm, but there's one I have to tell you. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Oh, there's so much there. You have anointed in my head with oil. Okay. I have to tell you this one, my cup.

Overflows. He starts getting these visualizations of abundance in the moment that he starts talking to God in the second person, singular. You are with me. You are right. Your staff, they comfort me. You do this for me. It's not just he's telling about all that he does. You do it for me. You prepare a table in front of my enemies.

You an annoyed my head with oil and this part of the cup. Wow. Woo. This is amazing. For a long time, we knew that my cup overflows was a visualization of abundance. We knew that, but we didn't know exactly what it was. Now we know a little more. Check this out. It's amazing. We discovered that there was a custom in the time of the Old Testament that if a king invited somebody to dine with him or a sovereign Lord, anybody important.

And they came. They would instruct the servants to make sure that the cups kept being full. That meant you can stay. When the servants didn't fill up the cups and the cups started getting a little empty, it was a message like, ohoh, it's time to go home. So the servants had to keep the cup full. If they, if they started going down, the person would say, okay, it's time to go home.

But there sometimes when the guest was somebody that the king was really enjoying his or her company, he would instruct. Wow, this is so amazing. The servants not only to fill the cup, but to make it overflow on the table, to send the message that you are so welcome in my present that I don't want you to leave.

And David says, I am so welcome in his presence. I am so welcom in his presence that my cup overflows.

Wow. There's no, there is no detour, too dark that you have taken that God will say no. I'm not gonna fill your cup. You are so welcoming his presence that he says, stay with me. Don't go away. Always dying at my table. And then David says now I'm sure of something. And he uses this wonderful word in the Hebrew.

Surely, certainly for sure. I have two companions that will never leave me. Goodness and mercy, goodness, and loving kindness. And we don't even know how to translate loving kindness and mercy because there's a word in the Hebrew is, the word has said that is so rich that we don't have any word in the English language to do it.

And it's says, Has said has to do with the active love of God that comes after us according to his covenant with a human race. So we, we sometimes call it grace. Sometimes we call it mercy, but it's so much more than that is God's love in action coming after us. And he, David says, there's two companions that I will have, surely goodness, and has said goodness and mercy.

Will follow me. Is the Hebrew is so much more than follow. He will pursue me, says the Hebrew. He will chase after me. He will stalk me. He will not leave me alone. Surely, goodness and mercy will chase after me.

I imagine goodness of mercy. On horses. I took a detour. Here come goodness of mercy. Get me. Is your child in a big detour right now? You can be sure that goodness and mercy are chased in after that child. You have a grandchild that has taken a detour. You can be sure that goodness and mercy are coming after them.

The darker the detour, the more he pursues. Jesus said it. The shepherd will leave the 99 and go after the one that is lost until I love that word. Until he finds it. Amen. He doesn't give up. Surely goodness and mercy will chase after me when all the days of my life. What a grace. What an amazing love. Do you understand?

Who is your shepherd, the one that doesn't give up on you? Surely goodness. Our mercy will chase after me all the days of my life, says David,

and then he sure how the story ends and I will dwell in the house of. Yahk one more time. This is what is called an inclusion. It's a narrative sandwich, things that start and end exactly. In the same way. Many gospel writers use themes that start and end in the same way. The whole Bible is an inclusion.

The first three chapters of Genesis get reversed in the exact order in the last three chapters of Revelation. It means that whoever's putting this together wants to give you a message from beginning to end. And he says, Yahweh, the one who opened the Red Sea, the one who rained bread down from heaven, the one who got water out of a rock.

He's my shepherd and I will dwell in the house of Yahweh forever.

Amen. Talk about assurance, talk about certainty. Talk about the victory of the gospel now for. For eternity because you are assured of his salvation and you also have the assurance of his presence now, his provision now his purpose in your life being worked out. You are not sheep without a shepherd.

You are not trying to figure out life on your own. Whether you are sick, whether you are alive or you are dying, whether you are struggling or in abundance, you are not a sheep without a shepherd. And who is your shepherd? Who the great I am is your shepherd? So when you look at the Psalm, you say, wow, I wanna have this not only hope, certainty, assurance, I wanna live knowing that the great I am.

Has won my salvation that I can live with a certainty of salvation and I can live with a certain of his presence right now. Oh yeah. Let me tell you, the great I am is my shepherd, therefore I shall not being won. He is the one who makes me. Lie down in green pastures. He is the one who takes me to waters of rest.

He restores my soul because I can't do that. He's the one who guides me in path of his righteousness, not mine, for his namesake, not mine. But when I go through the crisis, when I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I have an antidote. I will fear no evil. For you are with me. It's in the crisis that what you know about God becomes personal and you talk to God.

You are with me. You are Rod, your staff, they come for me. You prepare a table before my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, mic up cup. Let me tell you, I'm so welcome in his presence that my cup is overflowing. It's not empty. It is not just full. It's not that he just wants me to stay for a little while.

My cup is overflowing because I'm so welcoming his presence. Surely I have two companions that will never leave me goodness, and has said will pursue me all the days of my life. And I have this surety that I will dwell in the house of Yahweh forever.

This is the context upon which many prophecies about the Messiah would be built, and I hope you take the time when you go to your houses. To read Ezekiel 34 where God takes this and says, I'm sending the shepherd. I'm sending a shepherd that will bring all those that were scattered. He will give you rest, uses the same exact words as Jesus.

Later on, he will give you rest and he will break the yolk of their oppression. He will be their shepherd and will look for all the scattered sheep out there. Many prophecies about the coming Messiah would use this language until, of course, Jesus will use it himself. So we're gonna go to the Gospel of John chapter 10, because this is the background for this chapter.

When we get to the gospel of John, Jesus is saying, I am. I am. And he's using the exact two words of the Old Testament in Greek when God gave his name. I am. So when Jesus comes and says to the Samaritan woman who says, yeah, the Messiah is coming, he'll explain all things to us. In John four, Jesus says, I am.

And then from there on we get all these I ams. I'm the bread who came down from heaven. I am the light of the world. I am the door. I am the resurrection and the life. I am. And people were saying, he's blaspheming. He's using the name of God because I am is God. And Jesus would say I am.

And then he said, I am the good shepherd. And then he gave us a clue that we cannot forget. Chapter 10 is a beautiful chapter with this incredible metaphor about who Jesus is to us. Chapter 10, verse 11 is where he takes up this metaphor and he uses it in an amazing way. Verse 11, John 10, verse 11.

And what's interested in the Greek? We get the article twice. I am the shepherd, the good one. So both parts of the sentence have an article. It's not. I am the Good Shepherd. In the original, it says, I am the shepherd, the good one. Not just any shepherd. I'm the shepherd, the good one. And how do you know that?

He's the good one? Oh, he says that here. You will have one sign for which you will know that he's the good one. I am the shepherd. The good one. The shepherd the good one, lays down his life for the sheep. So many times in your life you will not be able to trace God's hand. You will not understand why he allowed a sickness, why he allowed your relative to pass away, why he allowed a financial hardship.

We don't know. We don't know many things because sheep don't know pretty much anything. But when you are in doubt, When you want certainty, when you want, hope Jesus gives you one. He says if you wanna know that I'm the good one. You have to know this. I'm the shepherd, the good one. Because the shepherd, the good one, gives his life for the sheep.

So as the song says, when you can't trace his hand, trust his heart. When you can't trace his hand, trust his heart, because he already showed it at the cross. He already did what was impossible for us. That's what the gospel is that one has done for you. What you couldn't do for yourself, that one lived a perfect life in your place and died a perfect death in your place and was raised from the dead so that you wouldn't live with fear, but you would live with assurance.

Until you see him face to face, because you will dwell in the house of Yahweh forever. And there's something here that for a long time we, we didn't seem to pay attention to. Let's keep reading Chapter 10 of John, verse 14. I love this, the shepherd the good one. I love that verse 14 repeats it again.

I am the shepherd, the good one. And I know my own and my own know me, even as the father knows me, and I know the father and I lay down my life for the sheep again, Jesus is constantly telling you, don't doubt that I'm the good one because I give my life for you. That's how you know I'm the good one. And then he says something that I love.

Verse 27 and 28. I hope you never forget this. And I want, that's why I have the sh. The little lamb here, verse 27, my sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me, and I give eternal life to them. It's a gift. You don't earn eternal life. He says, I give eternal life to my sheep just because they're my sheep.

Not because they're intelligent, not because they're strong, not because they do everything right, not because they know how to find green pastures or quiet waters. I give them eternal life because they're my sheep. I give them eternal life and they will never perish and check this out. Woo. No one will snatch them out of my hand.

Look at the assurance of salvation there. This sheep that doesn't know anything, that doesn't qualify for anything that can't find water or rest on its own. It's in the shepherd. The good ones hands. And Jesus says, nobody will snatch you out of my hands. He reminds me of Paul, saying nothing that is above or below or angels or principalities, nor life nor death, will be able to separate you from the love of God.

Nothing and no one will snatch you out of his hand. Whoa.

But that's not where the metaphor ends, because this is the metaphor that goes from the beginning to the end of the Bible because God has to speak about his love in metaphors. He uses the father's love. He uses a bride groom. He uses a victorious king. He uses many metaphors. So I will understand, and he uses the shepherd all the way to the Book of Revelation.

So I'm gonna take you there. Revelation chapter seven. There's many portraits of Jesus that we were given in the Book of Revelation, so that you will not fear. Now, I wanna make you an offer today. I hadn't thought about this, but the Holy Spirit is pushing me to do it, so I'm gonna do it. I wrote many books on the books of the Bible and Peggy said, there's a whole book on the life of David that has this whole sermon and much more of the life of David.

It's called After God's Heart. She has it here. But today I wanna offer you a free gift on the portraits of Jesus in the Book of Revelation, and this is what you're gonna do if you wanna receive this book for free this week. Okay? So this is it. You download the Jesus 1 0 1 app. On your phone. This is not the website, this is the app.

And then we are going to give you a code. So if you download the app of Jesus 1 0 1, there are many icons on the app. You can watch all of our television programs. We have daily devotionals, daily bible studies, all kinds of things. And then you will get to a place that says Book offer code.

I'm gonna give you a code and the code is gonna be hope. And so you put the word hope and your name, and this week we will send you the book in the mail that I wrote called Revelation the Fifth Gospel, the Portraits of Jesus in the Book of Revelation. Okay? So don't forget, what's the code? Hope so you don't do it.

Now we will finish the sermon in five minutes and you will remember, so you download the Jesus 1 0 1 app. You look for the icon that says book offer code, and you put the code hope. And your name and tell us where to mail it and we'll mail it this week. Now, one of the portraits that I treat in that book is this one, revelation seven.

Revelation seven is a very paradoxical portrait of Jesus. Let's start on verse 13.

Revelation 7 13, 1 of the elders answers saying to me, those who are clothing, white robes, who are they and where have they come from? I said to him, verse 14, my Lord, and he said to me, these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.

What A rich visualization. This divine bleach that if you put something that is dark and black, imagine that. And you put it in red, it comes out white. These have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. Verse 15. For this reason, because they have believed in the blood of the lamb, for this reason, they are before the throne of God and they serve him day and night in his temple, and he who sits on the throne will spread his tabernacle over them.

And now check this out. We're 16. We start getting the same language. That we had at the beginning, they will hunger no longer nor thirst anymore, nor will the sun be down on them, nor any heat for the lamb. You know that Jesus is the lamb throughout revelation, but now there's a transformation, a paradoxical transformation.

Verse 17 for the lamb in the center of the throne. Will be their shepherd.

You will hunger no longer nor thirst anymore, nor will the sun be down on them. Nor any heat for the lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd and will guide them to springs of the water of life. Ah. Oh yes. And let me tell you, and God will wipe every ear from their eyes. This shepherd, the good one, who gave his life for you so that you wouldn't have to go through the end of times with fear nor uncertainty for times like these, the certainty of knowing that you have the shepherd, the good one, who has given his life for you, and that he will be your shepherd for eternity and he will wipe away.

Every tear from your eyes, all those tears that we all have shed in this world of suffering and death. But you know how this story ends and Jesus wins, and you are with him because you are his sheep.

I want us to internalize this truth. We call it incarnation reading when we put our names in scripture, and we're gonna do right now this so that you will never forget who is your shepherd. And if you have never accepted Jesus as your personal savior, if you don't have a shepherd and you are sheep without a shepherd, I wanna invite you tonight to accept Jesus tonight as your savior.

You don't wanna go through whatever's coming on your own. Sheep without a shepherd, no nothing. They don't know where they are or where they're going. They don't know where to get food or drink or restoration or guidance but if you have a accept to Jesus Christ, you have a shepherd. As a matter of fact, you have the good one who has given his life for the sheep, and then you live with assurance, not with fear.

So I'm gonna put a couple slides on this screen. And we're gonna say together these verses from Psalm 23, and you're gonna put your name in the blanks and we're gonna say them aloud. This is called incarnation reading. When you say, okay, that was nice, but now it's gonna be my shepherd. He will take me to Waters of Rest.

He will restore my soul. So we're gonna read it together and it's gonna sound really loud because all of You're gonna read it with me and you're gonna say, the Lord is Elizabeth Shepherd. No, you're not gonna say that. You're gonna say your name. All right. Ready? 1, 2, 3. The Lord is Elizabeth's. Let's do it again.

Cause there's a lot more people here than that. Let's do it again. 1, 2, 3. The Lord is Elizabeth Shepherd and Elizabeth shall nothing. He made Elizabeth Green pastures. He Elizabeth Waters. He Elizabeth Soul. He guys, Elizabeth, in the past of righteousness for his name to say. We're gonna do it again before we go to the next slide, and then we're gonna keep reading together.

The second slide. Let's do it again. 1, 2, 3. Lord, Elizabeth and Elizabeth shall nothing, he lie down in Greeners, he leaves. He restores Elizabeth soul, he Elizabeth, in the path of righteousness for his sake. Let's continue beating now Isaiah. But he was fierce for our transgression. He was crashed for all s.

The punishment that brought us peace was upon him and by his wounds we are healed. We all like she have gone as each of us has turned to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the unique,

we all like sheep have gone astray. But praise the Lord. We have the shepherd, the good one, who chased after us. Goodness. Our mercy will follow me all the days of my life. So I'm gonna do what I did in my dad's memorial. I'm gonna put a sign on the cross to tell you. Rest assured whether you live or die.

Rest assured you have the shepherd, the good one.

I wanna finish tonight with a video that we shot in Israel,

different parts where Jesus talked. There's one little place called the Valley of the Shadow of Death. It was an actual place that David talked about. It's a part of the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, and it's called the Valley of the Shadow of Death. So there will be a little part on the video that you will see there.

This is the valley of the shadow of death. And we have put the Psalm 23 along with the words of Jesus. And then after that, I just want to finish with an invitation. So us watch the video. Thank you.

The Lord is my shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life. For the sheep I shall not want.

Ask and it will be given to you. He makes me lie down in green pastures. I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will not hunger.

He leads me beside quiet waters. He who believes in me will never thirst. He restores my soul. I came that you may have life and have it abundantly. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name sink. I am the way and the truth and the life, even though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death.

I fear no evil for you are with me and low I am with you always. Even to the end of the age, you're Rod and your staff, they come for me. Peace. I leave with you my peace. I give to you,

you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. I say to you that many will come from east and west and recline at the table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. You have anointed my head with oil. My cup overflows. He who believes in me, as the scripture said, from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.

Shirley Goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself. That where I am. There you may be also.

So my invitation for you is this. Believe that the great I am is your shepherd. Believe that at the cross, he has already secured your eternal salvation. Believe that right now you have his presence. His provision and his purpose being worked out in your life, believe that you're so welcome in his presence that your cup is overflowing.

Believe that surely goodness and mercy will pursue you chase after you all the days of your life, and believe that you will dwell in the house of Yahweh forever, only because you have the shepherd, the good one who gave his life. For you. So tune your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face, and the things of Earth will grow strangely Tim, in the light of his glory and grace, because truly I'd rather have Jesus than anything.

God bless you.